Upcoming Superhero Movies – Is X-23 Next?

With the recent success of Wonder Woman, it appears as though other studios are looking to take advantage of the power of women in lead roles. After all, Wonder Woman recorded $821,000,000 at the box office and might possibly win an Oscar Award.
Some companies are scheduling these upcoming superhero movies:
- Marvel has said that a Captain Marvel movie featuring Brie Larson is on the way.
- Fox has introduced X-23 in Logan.
- Sony…well, they only thing they can get right is giving Marvel back Spider-Man.
Female lead comic book movies seem like a logical step to me.
Of them all, who is the best?
I mean, of all the woman in comic book movie adaptations, who has done the best job of portraying their character on screen?
The easy choice would be one of two. Either, Black Widow (being the longest running) or Wonder Woman (being the most accurate).
I pick neither and I’ll tell you why.
First and foremost, nobody heard of Dafne Keen before Logan. Like Hugh Jackman before her, Fox Studios took a gamble and it worked. And worked well. At 12 years old, she surpassed all expectations and during parts, carried the movie. That’s not to take anything away from Jackman or Sir Patrick Stewart but she did a damn good job.
Think about what comics can do for people.
- Wolverine put Hugh Jackman on the map.
- Captain Picard put Sir Patrick Stewart on the map.
- And X-23 put Dafne Keen on the map.
As a comic book movie, Logan did exactly what it should have done. It introduced the world to an unseen talent.
Fox is on to something and if they do it the justice it deserves, they have the opportunity to base the next 13 movies around her. She is young, tenacious, mature, and has the acting chops to be in a stand-alone film. Oh, and she’s already proven she’s an ass-kicker.
In fact, the director of Logan, James Mangold, has already said that he is working on a potential script for her. Yes, he is currently writing a script. Don’t get too excited though. Having a potential script and actually casting, directing, and creating a film are two different things.
With X-23 currently carrying the mantle of Wolverine in the Marvel Universe, it becomes a no-brainer that she should also replace him in one of the upcoming superhero movies. I remain pleasantly optimistic that this will happen.
Watching an X-23 movie would be a dream come true. Growing up a Wolverine fan, I was always drawn to everything the world loves about him. He is fearless, doesn’t take shit from anyone, is poetically violent, and above that, Canadian.
Only a matter of time
The love of the character is on the rise. Marvel recognizes this or else they wouldn’t have placed her in the yellow and black costume. Fans see it too. Her first appearance comic book his sky-rocketed in value. Just 5 years ago, a CGC graded 9.8 slabbed book sold for a couple of hundred dollars. Now, copies of the same book are moving for $1,200.
The fans want this character. And they want her now.
If Fox was intelligent (and I believe they are) they will listen to what people are asking for and move her into the spotlight. Remember, IMDB scored Logan an 8.2/10 and Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 93% fresh rating. We the fans know exactly what we want. Saying this, I truly believe that it isn’t a matter of “if” the movie will be made. It is actually a matter of “when” it will be made.