Venom: Bio, Origin & History

Real Name: Eddie Brock
First Appearance: Web of Spider-Man 18 (September, 1986) as Eddie Brock. Amazing Spider-Man 300 (May, 1988) as Venom (First Full Appearance)
Powers: Has Spider-Man like powers as long as the symbiote is attached to his body.
Affiliation: Formerly Sinister Six
Love Interest: Deceased Ex Wife, Anne Weying (She-Venom)
Enemies: Spider-Man, Carnage
Did You Know: In the Spider-Man, The Animated Series, Venom was voiced by Hank Azaria; the same voice who does many beloved Simpsons characters such as Moe and Apu.
A Little History
Eddie Brock was your average journalist whose job was to cover local stories for the newspaper he worked for. A little down on his luck, he turned to writing an inaccurate story of murder. Eddie’s life had turned around and he began living life on cloud 9. That is until Spider-Man exposed him as a fraud.
The stories that he was writing were untrue and Eddie became the laughing stock of the paper and was fired. To make matters worse, his wife, feeling disgraced, left him.
Around this time, Spider-Man began wearing the black Symbiote costume. The more Spider-Man continued to wear the costume, the more he realized that it was consuming him. He researched for a way to remove it and through his research, he realized that the costume was hyper-sensitive to loud sounds. Looking to remove it, he made his way to a church, stood by the bell, and waited for it to chime.
Upon chiming, the now weakened and removed Symbiote crawled down the walls of the church looking for a new host. It found Eddie Brock, who had been there confession his sins and begging for forgiveness.
To say the fit was perfect would be an understatement. Eddie Brock was everything that the Symbiote was looking for and the two of them formed the creature known as Venom.