What Happened to Wolverine’s Universe in ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ – Here’s a Breakdown

A fresh new trailer for ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ was released, and we’ve gotten a better look at Wolverine and what the plot of the story really could be. It’s obvious that Deadpool is somewhat important for the survival of his universe, and he needs to fetch THE X-Man to help him – Wolverine.
But, sometime during the trailer, the TVA pointed out that this version of Wolverine failed to save him universe. So what could have happened in the past to herald such a conclusion?
First, let’s take a look at some of the rumors. CanWeGetSomeToast, a notable leaker and scooper claimed that Wolverine will be told how he died when he tried to save X-23 (played by Dafne Keen, rumored to be in the movie).
This means that the variant of Wolverine we’re getting is a younger version of Wolverine that we saw in ‘Logan’ naturally and that as far as this Wolverine is concerned that future never came to pass.
We also see how Wolverine is practically shunned, so whatever happened in his reality is enough to make people hate him and be disappointed with him but not severe enough to warrant an apocalyptic end of their timeline.
Wolverine can also be kneeling near the graves of what we can only assume are X-Men. So what could have happened? Cassandra Nova.
Cassandra was Xavier’s twin while both were gestation in the womb. Xavier recognized Cassandra as being the so-called “Mummudrai” by the Shi’ar, an equal and opposite spirit of Professor Charles Xavier. Due to Xavier’s genetic potential, Cassandra was able to manifest in physical form, effectively becoming his twin. However, when gestating in their mother’s womb, Sharon Xavier, Cassandra was recognized by Charles as malevolent, leading him to attempt to kill her with his emerging psychic abilities. This resulted in a miscarriage for Sharon, although Cassandra survived and spent decades in a sewer wall, constructing a new body and plotting revenge against her brother. Revenge did come, however, as Cassandra, over the years plotted and executed several genocides on mutant-kind, killing millions in the process.
It’s quite likely that it’s Wolverine’s fault that she couldn’t be stopped and imprisoned, and this is why he is generally considered to be a failure. Cassandra also did something to his claws, leaving the permanent mark of his influence. Now what could happen that the Wolverine failed so miserably? Well, it can range everything from hiding from the fight or failing to do the right thing at the moment, making some kind of sacrifice to his reality.
We’re going to learn once the movie releases. Have something to add? Let us know in the comments below!