What Is Deadpool’s Current Reality & What Does It Mean for the MCU?
‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ was internationally released, and I have to admit it’s a solid movie that does a good work of making fun of the current state of the MCU and the absurdity of the multiverse.
Over the course of the movie, we’ve seen Deadpool move through several “realities” including the Void but he eventually ends up right back where he started, and it’s not the MCU. This is why many fans are currently wondering, wait, what is Deadpool’s current reality?
If you want to avoid spoilers – I suggest you stop reading right away!
We know that the MCU was a while back delegated to Earth-616 (as of ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ to be more exact), and this timeline is called “The Sacred Timeline” for a good reason. So at the start of the movie when Deadpool is interviewing for the Avengers, he is in fact in the MCU. This occurs on March 18, 2018, on the Sacred Timeline, which is set after ‘Deadpool 2’ in the 20th Century Fox universe and after ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ in the MCU, but about a year before ‘Avengers: Infinity War.’
Following his failed application Wade returns back to his own native reality, which is Earth-10005. We know that this is his reality designation since there are enough references made to conclude that X-Men exist in Deadpool’s universe (specifically Fox X-Men) and the events of ‘Logan’ transpired in his universe and all of those movies take place on Earth-10005.
We then jump six years ahead to approximately March 2024, which falls after ‘Avengers: Endgame’ but before ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ and ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.’ We learn that Wade’s universe is dying and that he has limited time to save it, but this logic is not without its holes as the timeline doesn’t fit.
‘Logan’ takes place in 2029 and ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ takes place in 2024, you can see why not only would Wolverine still be alive in 2024, but X-23 wouldn’t be a grown-up. A possible solution for this is that Deadpool is still on Earth-10005, but on a different timeline, since this is possible as well, but it’s most likely just a technicality we need to ignore for the sake of having Deadpool in the MCU.
After Deadpool leaves his own reality he is pruned and arrives at the Void. Deadpool & Wolverine manage to talk Cassandra Nova into letting them return to Earth-10005 in order to save it and they manage to do exactly that, by stopping the Timeripper from destroying that reality.
So, at the ending scenes of the movie, since his reality is saved Deadpool is not technically in the MCU (Earth-616) he is still back home on Earth-10005, since not only did Wade and Logan save the reality, they managed to regenerate it.
So what does this mean for the MCU? Well, it means that Deadpool won’t be popping up in every MCU project going forward, he is still safely contained and happy within his own universe. But, giving him access to TVA means that he can pop up in the MCU when he is needed and it’s been heavily rumored that both he and Logan will appear in ‘Secret Wars.’
It’s also possible that the incursions will bring him back to the Sacred Timeline once again, since Paradox and Nova further messed with the multiverse and now we have even more arguments to explain why space-time is collapsing.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!