Where Did Gamora Go After ‘Endgame’ (Where Was She in Phase 4?)

In Avengers: Endgame, Gamora’s story got confusing. After being dead briefly, Gamora returned through time-traveling antics and even took part in defeating her own adoptive father on the battlefield. We know that she never made it to her original timeline, and thus, she was stranded in this reality that seemed alien and strange to her due to having no memories of the events that transpired in old Gamora’s life. Gamora was in the Endgame, but what happened to her afterward? Where was Gamora during phase 4?
After defeating Thanos in Endgame, Gamora never joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, and instead, she decided to carve her own new path and joined Ravagers. She was missing from phase 4 because Gamora’s story was over, and she was kept in this prime timeline only because Gunn wanted to use her in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
Even though Gamora was among the most important characters in the GotG movie, and at one point, she was an important plot device in Avengers: Infinity War as well, her story technically hit the wall as soon as Thanos killed her. The new version of Gamora was completely different, and thus, she never had all that much of an interest in continuing Gamora’s story in the first place. If you’re interested in more detail, stay with us and keep reading!
The story of old Gamora is finished
We met Gamora as a character in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. She soon betrayed her Mad Titan adoptive father, Thanos, and joined the cause of the Guardians of the Galaxy and, in some part, the cause of the Avengers.
In the meantime, she fell in love with Peter Quill and gained a new family in the form of her team members. Her story ended rapidly in Avengers: Infinity War, where she was instrumental in Thanos obtaining the Soul Stone that was kept at Vormir.
Gamora served as Thanos’ sacrifice since he had to trade a soul for a soul, a soul he loved the most. Gamora never made it back to the Guardians of the Galaxy, and thus her story in the MCU was concluded. However, fans were shocked to see Gamora again during the events of the Avengers: Endgame.
The new Gamora that resurfaced was a completely different version
During the Time Heist that took place in Avengers: Endgame, the Avengers had to travel back in time to gain access to Infinity Stones since Thanos destroyed the original versions of the stones after he destroyed half of all life in the universe, and his purpose was complete.
Nebula, among others, was sent to meet up with alternate versions of Thanos and Gamora, and well, it didn’t end well at first. The younger version of Gamora was swayed only when Nebula hinted to her that Thanos would get rid of her in the future to gain access to Soul Stone.
Gamora decided to abandon her father’s cause and join sides with the Avengers however, since she was the younger version of Gamora that never met the Guardians and never fell in love with Peter Quill, she didn’t have access to older Gamora’s memories in the first place. Being forwarded a couple of years into the future doesn’t magically grant you the memories of everything that transpired in between.
After Thanos was dealt with, the story of the new Gamora was left under a huge question mark, and we don’t actually know what happened to her next.
After Endgame, Gamora joined the Ravagers
This new version of Gamora was much different than the older version of Gamora in terms of her personality and experiences. She never made the conscious choice and decided that what Thanos was doing was evil, like old Gamora. This Gamora joined the cause in part because she knew that Thanos would kill her, which influenced her decision quite a bit.
We know that after Endgame, she didn’t join the Guardians of the Galaxy and decided not to get together with Peter Quill. The answer to this lies in the final installment of the Guardians franchise. We can see that after everything transpired, Gamora did join a team, but the team that suited her ruthless nature best, was the Ravagers, Quill’s former team.
We know that Gamora became an important part of the family, and they greatly respect her. Now with the conclusion of the franchise, we can safely say that Gamora’s story is over as far as MCU is concerned.
She never re-joined the Guardians and decided not to “get back together” with Star-Lord; her destiny is now completely tied to Ravagers and wherever the team takes her next. She will unlikely return to the MCU again in the similar role that old Gamora held.
Where was Gamora during phase 4?
Avengers: Endgame killed off a lot of characters or got rid of them in a very convenient way, and phase 4 of the MCU served more to set the grounds for the introduction of new characters that will carry the next few phases of the MCU, and Gamora is not one of them. Gamora was honestly “kept alive” only because Gunn needed her in the GotG Vol. 3, which is why she never appeared in any phase 4 project.
After the original Gamora died, the “Gamora” arc in the MCU was over. In my opinion, the only purpose of the new Gamora was to give closure to the Guardians of the Galaxy in their final installment. The movie just wouldn’t be the same without her. The green Gamora was, in every sense of the way, one of the main characters in the GotG movies.