Who Is Marvel’s Soft Serve? Meet the Ice Cream Mutant and Her Bizarre Power!

We cover a lot of mutants naturally, as they are among the most fascinating and powerful characters in the Marvel comics Universe, and although sometimes their powers are bizarre, oftentimes the mutants are capable of creating such devastation that they demand nothing but the ultimate respect, and then there is Soft Serve, a mutat from Krakoa. While Soft Serve doesn’t exactly play a huge role in any of the storylines but her powers are bizarre enough that we decided to explore the character further. Now let’s see who exactly is Marvel’s Soft Serve and what makes her so special.
Soft Serve is a Krakoan mutant that has the ability to poop ice cream. It’s not technically pooping. It’s merely that the portal to the ice cream realm is located within her body, and the existing point for the ice cream is her backside. Little is known about Soft Serve except for the fact that she, according to Forge, makes the best ice cream in the Universe.
Now that we’ve given you more info about Soft Serve, it’s time to explore the character in a bit more detail. If you’re interested in more, stay with us and keep reading!
Soft Serve is a Krakoan mutant, and she poops ice cream
Krakoan mutants are a weird bunch that have powers vastly different than what we’re used to seeing. Those powers go well beyond weather manipulation or telepathy. For example, we have Ora Serrata, a giant eye capable of performing existence erasure on anyone who breaks the law. We have Lodus Logo, who can create nearly unlimited amounts of metal with nothing but his words, Xilo the First Defender, who can terraform planets, and then there’s Soft Serve, capable of creating ice cream.
Soft Serve was created by Bob Quinn years before she debuted in ‘Way of X’ #2. And while she isn’t featured in any prominent roles, she is thrown here and there into the background as a comic relief.
She can be seen giving ice cream to her fellow mutants while waiting to go to Hellfire Gala during ‘Way of X’ #2 and again can be seen fighting in a huge battle on the Otherworld utilizing her ice cream cones of destruction. She is always in the background, and her origin story hasn’t been fully revealed.
According to Bob Quinn, she was created years ago
What kind of powers does Soft Serve has?
We already covered that Soft Serve has the power to conjure ice cream at will through the act of pooping. However, the creator himself corrected this initial assessment of her power somewhat. Soft Serve does not merely “poop ice cream.” She apparently has a portal to the ice cream dimension in her GI, and her backside basically serves as the portal through which the ice cream leaves her body.
Since Soft Serve has mutant physiology, she doesn’t exactly excrete waste like humans do, so “pooping” for her means something vastly different.
Soft Serve can conjure ice cream at will and can affect the flavor. She can supposedly conjure up any flavor of ice cream.
How powerful is Soft Serve?
Considering that not much has been revealed about her powers, it’s likely that Soft Serve is not that powerful. I mean, we’ve seen her taking part in battle on the Otherworld and attempting to utilize her ice cream as a weapon, but if the ice cream in question wasn’t made out of power cosmic or some remotely similar power, it’s likely that it’s not exactly an effective weapon.
On the flip side, Soft Serve, according to Forge, makes the best ice cream ever. So there’s that. We also can’t rule out that characters with fire-based powers are vulnerable to her icy excrement.
Soft Serve is not the first mutant with ice cream-based powers
Before there was Soft Serve, there was Eye-Scream, but he wasn’t as nearly as nice as Soft Serve.
Eye-Scream is a mutant with the power to turn himself into ice cream of any flavor. When he figured out how powerful other mutants were, he was extremely pissed and decided to destroy them. The most efficient way that he could think of was to infiltrate Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.
He decided to infiltrate the school at the same time when the X-Men were celebrating Kitty Pryde’s birthday. He got into the mansion at the same time as Obnoxio the Clown, and managed to remain hidden as a block of ice cream.
However, it didn’t pass long until Xavier’s Cerebero figured out what was going on. Strangely, the Cerebero system overloaded at that time and knocked Xavier down, who didn’t have the time to tell the rest of the team that Obnoxio was invited to entertain Kitty. The team attacked the clown, and when Eye-Scream figured out how powerful he was and was able to hold back the strength of the united X-Men, he decided to kill the clown as well.
Xavier quickly regained consciousness and lowered the temperature until Eye-Scream was stuck in a huge block of ice. Following the fight, Obnoxiou decorated him as Sundae and left the party.
The last we know about Eye-Scream is that he joined the mutant nation of Krakoa to help Bishop’s response team to aid the people of Milford, and he regularly used his power to offer the children free ice cream.
Despite the similarity in their powers, Soft Serve and Eye-Scream are not related, although she is a huge fan.
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