Why Was Wanda’s Dead Body Suddenly in Westview in ‘Agatha All Along’?

‘Agatha All Along’ recently premiered with the first two episodes, and so far the reactions to the show are overwhelmingly positive. The show takes place three years after the events of ‘WandaVision,’ and we see Agatha finally freed from Wanda’s spell.
She returns to real Westview but is completely powerless which leads her to gather a makeshift coven of witches to walk the Witches’ Road and reclaim her powers.
Now the show features one interesting detail which was teased in the trailers as well. At the start of the show when Agatha is still under Wanda’s spell, she takes on the role of a detective who investigates a dead body. The body obviously belongs to Wanda aka Scarlet Witch who died during the events of ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.’
Scarlet Witch during the events of the movie uses her powers to destroy Mount Wundagore along with all copies of the Darkhold across the multiverse, effectively killing herself in the process.
The injuries that “the body” in Agatha All Along has corresponded to the type of injuries Wanda would bring on to herself, so this is yet another proof that somehow, the real world and the knowledge of Wanda’s death had to leak into Agatha’s prison.
Now it’s clear that Wanda’s body is not actually in Westview, it’s a figment of her imagination as was revealed toward the end of the episode. Agatha also isn’t aware that Wanda’s fingertips turned black due to the usage of Darkhold, and the outfit is completely different.
Wanda’s real body is likely buried under tons of rocks at Mount Wundagore, and by all logic, Agatha shouldn’t even be aware that Wanda is dead.
There are two explanations for Agatha’s sudden connection to Wanda and for having impossible knowledge.
First, it’s likely that since it was Wanda’s spell that trapped her, that same spell had to let Agatha know that the original spellcaster was dead somehow, and it did it through illusions, at just about the same time when she was broken out of her prison.
This doesn’t make sense chronologically since Wanda’s death took place a few years before Agatha was released.
Now the second theory is that the Teen is hiding something and that Wanda’s dead body was actually him teasing Agatha before he breaks her out of the spell. The teen might be aware of his origins and Agatha’s ultimate role in leading Wanda further down the path of darkness. It’s also quite possible that Teen allowed Agatha to escape just so she could lead him down the Witches Road in order to help him resurrect Wanda.
What’s your theory? Let us know in the comments below!