Joe Locke Dreams of Billy Maximoff Meeting Doctor Strange in the MCU: “He’d learn a lot from him!”

‘Agatha All Along’ recently concluded its 9-episode run. The show managed to wrap up Agatha’s character arc neatly while still leaving some room to reappear if the character is needed in the future.
One of the most powerful magic users in the MCU is now dead (well in ghost form…) only to be replaced by the new face on the scene – Joe Locke’s Wiccan aka Billy Maximoff.
Since MCU is now serious regarding exploring that part of the MCU, and putting more focus on magic and the occult, it’s likely that we’re going to get more collaboration between magic-focused characters.
This is also something that Joe Locke apparently wants to see as the actor recently stated in a Deadline interview that he would like for Billy to meet Doctor Strange:
DEADLINE: Looking ahead, is there any Marvel character or Avenger, maybe aside from, Wanda, that you would want to work with in the MCU in a project?
LOCKE: I think Billy would learn a lot from Doctor Strange or someone. He’s such a young magic person who knows what they’re doing. Obviously, in the comics, they have a connection. So I think that would be cool, but who knows?
Source: Deadline
Now this collaboration between Wiccan and Strange is not so far-fetched. Billy will eventually want to know more about his mother and Strange is conveniently one of the last people to see her alive.
Strange would also be a far more suitable person to train Wiccan than Agatha ever was. As Episodes 8 and 9 proved, Wiccan is now one of the most powerful characters in the MCU since his reality-warping abilities are off the chart. Agatha isn’t exactly known to possess that kind of dangerous magic and let’s be honest she is not the best influence for Billy.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!