Wonder Woman vs. Thor: Which God Would Win in a Fight?


Comics often draw their inspiration from various mythologies around the world. This is why some of the most popular superheroes from both Marvel and DC are gods. In this case, we’re talking about Wonder Woman with her traces in Greek mythology and Thor, who is derived directly from Norse mythology. Of course, needles to say those superheroes tend to have powers of epic proportions. This is why today we’re going to pit two iconic godlike characters to see which one would come out on top. When it comes to a battle between Thor and Wonder Woman, who is more powerful, and who would win in a fight? 

Thor is more powerful than Wonder Woman and would win a fight against her. It wouldn’t be an easy fight by any means, but Thor’s powers and abilities vastly outclass everything that Wonder Woman can throw his way. He is also a highly versatile fighter able to rely on weapons, unarmed combat, and his vast energy projection potential. Thor is likewise more durable, able to tank unimaginable damage and walk away unharmed. Wonder Woman is a fast and experienced fighter, but she can’t match everything that Thor can throw her way.

Now that we’ve covered that Thor is stronger than Wonder Woman, it’s time to analyze the powers, abilities, endurance, strength, and other attributes of both characters. If you’re interested in more, stay with us and keep reading!

Powers and abilities

Wonder Woman is most notable for the divine blessings that allow her to tank incredible damage, deal some powerful blows, and outrun pretty much anyone in the DC universe who isn’t directly connected to Speed Force. But she falls a bit short in terms of extra powers and abilities that aren’t related to physical attributes.

And we’re not talking about alternative versions of Wonder Woman either. Diana can communicate with animals and put mighty beasts under her command, but that’s pretty much it. In the past, she was able to utilize magic, she was able to utilize god wave, cosmic awareness, and even teleport, but those powers are no longer in her primary skill set. 

Thor, however, has vast energy projection potential with and without utilizing his mighty Mjolnir. Thor can produce lightning potent enough to shatter planets. He can create force fields, and energy blasts, manipulate reality, and transmute matter. There are almost no limits to what Thor can do with his weapons and Asgardian magic. He can likewise control elements, and Thor can, in theory, control fire, water, wind, and earth as well, although his greatest strength comes from his lighting – being the God of Thunder.  

Thor can likewise tap into soul manipulation. He can summon, can bend space-time, and is capable of astral projection. But Thor’s most important power at his disposal is God Blast. Thor’s God Blast is one of his most powerful and iconic attacks. It is a blast of pure, concentrated energy that is capable of devastating anything in its path. The God Blast is so powerful that it has been known to be capable of destroying entire planets or even harming incredibly powerful cosmic entities like Galactus. 

From everything above, it’s clear that Thor is vastly more powerful than Wonder Woman. Due to this, the point goes to him. 

Points: Wonder Woman (0:1) Thor


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Strength and stamina 

Wonder Woman’s incredible strength is granted to her by the blessing of Demeter. She can often be seen matching the strength of Kryptonians, and in some instances, she outperformed Hercules. Older versions of Wonder Woman were able to move celestial bodies with nothing but strength alone. Wonder Woman’s current strength may be in excess of 100 tons. Regarding stamina, Wonder Woman’s godlike physiology produces almost no fatigue toxins, allowing her to exert herself at full capacity for incredibly long periods before tiring. 

Thor, like Wonder Woman, can lift well over 100 tons. He is among the most powerful Asgardians and most powerful characters in Marvel Comics in general. While empowering himself, the full limits of his strength aren’t exactly known. Like Wonder Woman, Thor doesn’t have the physiology of a regular human being. He can fight indefinity without the effects of fatigue catching up to him. He was able to damage Celestials with his striking powers and dented Silver Surfer. Hell, he managed to overpower Galactus himself.

Both Wonder Woman and Thor had incredible strength feats over the years, but Thor has proven himself to have better striking feats than Wonder Woman. The point goes to the God of Thunder. 

Points: Wonder Woman (0:2) Thor


Wonder Woman is known to be able to match Flash’s cruising speed, and despite not having a connection with the Speed Force, she is known to be among the fastest characters in DC comics. Her speed is mostly derived from the blessing of Hermes, and she can both run and fly at incredible speeds. Likewise, that speed translates well both outside and during combat as she can move, think and react at speeds vastly faster than those of regular human beings. 

Thor is known to be able to reach speeds that are massively faster than light, and by flying with Mjolnir, he can easily achieve twice that speed. He can teleport, and his speed during combat is enhanced as well. However, it’s generally accepted that Wonder Woman is faster than Thor due to her more impressive speed feats over the years. 

Points: Wonder Woman (1:2) Thor


Due to her godlike physiology, Wonder Woman will never age past her prime, and she is immune to most biological calamities like diseases, viruses, and toxins. She can survive in the most extreme environments imaginable and tank some serious nuclear-level damage. However, she is not immune to all types of damage and can easily be hurt by edged weapons and bullets. It is unknown whether bullets fired in vital areas would kill her, even considering her incredibly fast healing factor. 


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Thor is not immortal but vastly more durable than Wonder Woman. He is almost completely immune to weapons and magical attacks and generally can tank planets’ destruction. 

Points: Wonder Woman (1:3) Thor


Wonder Woman is known to be among the smartest superheroes in the DC universe, and due to her longevity and massive life experience behind her, she is also among the wisest superheroes. She managed to adapt quickly to the modern world when she left Themyscira and learned English in a matter of days. She is an extremely skilled tactical analyst.

Thor, like Wonder Woman, is extremely long-lived and has accumulated eons of knowledge when it comes to combat, tactics, and strategizing. He is quite knowledgeable when it comes to mythologies, the occult, and Asguardian Technology, but he could never be exactly called among the smartest in Marvel. Due to this, the point goes to Diana. 

Points: Wonder Woman (2:3) Thor

Combat Skills 

Wonder Woman is among the most skilled combatants in the DC universe. She started training her combating skills back when she was still in Themyscira and quickly rose to the ranks among the most skilled fighters among the Amazons. 

Thor’s combat skills and proficiency with weapons are unparalleled in the Marvel Universe, thanks to his thousands of years of practice and experience. He is a master of warfare, and few understand it better than he does. Over the centuries, Thor has honed his abilities to the point where he is just as deadly with traditional Asgardian weapons as he is with his energy-manipulating powers. When it comes to combat expertise, Thor is unmatched, and this makes him an incredibly formidable opponent in battle.

Both Wonder Woman and Thor are considered the best at what they do, and both have an array of extremely powerful godlike weapons at their disposal. Both Lasso of Truth and Mjolnir are epic weapons that have made their way to popular culture, mostly thanks to these powerhouses wielding them. Due to this, both Wonder Woman and Thor get the point when it comes to combat. 

Points: Wonder Woman (3:4) Thor


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Wonder Woman vs. Thor: Who is stronger, and who wins? 

Thor is stronger than Wonder Woman and has more destructive powers and abilities at his disposal. He is also physically stronger, having a mind-blowing striking strength that was able to damage cosmic-level beings from Marvel Comics. It wouldn’t be an easy fight by any means, with Wonder Woman being such a skilled combatant and being vastly faster than Thor, but still, the fight would prevail in Thor’s favor. 

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